How Does Power Abuse Power In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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When somebody abuses a great amount of power, that individual can lose all their power. The struggle against someone who abuses power is perfectly depicted in the novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ken Kesey. When someone abuses their power, they can impose certain feelings and actions onto others. If someone tries to conceal their personality, . Finally, if someone abuses power and is constantly challenged by another individual who is trying to take the power abuser’s power away from them, the power abuser will always be frightened of his or her challenger. When someone abuses power and takes full control, they can lose all their power and respect quickly. If someone abuses their power, they can impose certain feelings and actions In the novel, Ms. Ratched tries to conceal her personality from the hospital patients, so that she can maintain her level of power and control over them. If someone does something to annoy Ms. Ratched while nobody is nearby, she will show her real personality of hatred to get angry at the people who annoyed her, in the novel, Chief Bromden says, “She’s swelling up, swells till her back’s splitting out the white uniform . . . She looks around her with a swivel of her huge head. Nobody to see . . . So she really lets herself go and her painted smile twists, stretches to an open snarl, and she blows up bigger and bigger . . . all the patients start coming out to see what’s the hullabaloo, and she has to change back before she’s caught in the shape of her hideous real self” (5). When other patients come out to see what is going on, Ms. Ratched needs to quickly hide her personality, so she can still maintain her respect, power, and control over everyone on her ward. If the patients saw that Ms. Ratched could get angry, and that she was hiding her personality, they would realize that they are not rabbits after all, and that she is not a “good strong wolf”, as they previously believed. When patient R.P McMurphy, the hospital patient that tries to remove all of Ms. In the novel, Ms. Ratched just removed the tub room, which was used as a game room, from the patients, this angered McMurphy, so he decided to do something subtle to get revenge on Ms. Ratched. In the novel, it says, “The Big Nurse’s eyes swelled out as he got close . . . He stopped in front of her window and he said in his slowest, deepest drawl how he figured he could use one of the smokes he bought this mornin’, then the ran his hand through the glass . . . He got one of the cartons of cigarettes with his name on it and took out a pack . . . ‘I’m sure sorry ma’am,’ he said ‘Gawd but I am. That window glass was so spick and span I com-pletely forgot it was there’” (201). This quotation demonstrates that, even though Ms. Ratched has more power than McMurphy, she is still frightened of him, and that he might do something to either take away her power, or he might do something to hurt her physically. This also demonstrates how much power McMurphy has gained so far over Ms. Ratched. In the novel, Ms. Ratched tries to take away all of the power that McMurphy has gained over her by blaming McMurphy for making the lives of the hospital patients worse, and that McMurphy was the cause for the deaths of patients William Bibbit and Charles Cheswick. This angers McMurphy, and causes him to choke her with the intent to kill

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