How Does Culture Affect Art

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Art Culture – Illustration “Mom, I want to be president,” Says a young girl. The mom replies, “Oh that’s great, you will change the world.” She gets a little bit older and says, “Mom, when I grow up, I want to be an astronaut.” The mom replies, “Oh that’s great, you will travel to the moon.” She gets a little older and says, “Mom, I want to be a nurse.” Her mom replied, “Oh that’s great you will meet lots of people.” The girl gets older and says, “Mom, I want to be a creator.” Everyone else said, “Oh honey, there’s no such thing as a creator.” Her mom says, “Well, what do you want to create?” The girl replies, “Books, movies, music, dance, art.” The mom then replies, “Well, why do you want to be a creator?” the girl replied, “I can do everything …show more content…

It’s almost as if you take your own ideas and possibly your own culture and make it into an art piece. Art culture, specifically- illustration, affects everyone in multiple ways. We are affected by how we interpret meaning to a particular source and what we will see and learn from it. The culture affects us in a way of how we act, what we plan to do, how we achieve, and what it will give us the ability to do. People will often feel inspired by what this culture creates and how it will be created. It affects us in a way of business, due to the fact we can’t live without it and the fact that it keeps us …show more content…

She says, “Yes, Art is a way for people to emotionally connect and is necessary for people to bond without judgement or the potential of offending someone “. This tells me, that many people depend on art for not only a way to escape, and express themselves but as a way to communicate. Communication is a big importance in living through the generation and art media could just be the best way. Art culture is everywhere no matter where you look, and it will continue forever.
Art culture has developed into a special device still used today. Of course people will see all parts of the art culture differently but many notice that we can’t live without it. Rather you want to be a president, an astronaut, a nurse, or even a creator, if you have an idea that you believe you can do, the art culture welcomes you and is going strong and many have confidence that it will never die

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