How Does Alcohol Affect Human Homeostasis

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All living units ranging from single cells and organs to entire organisms carry out homeostasis (source 1). Homeostasis refers to the ability of the body or a cell to seek and maintain a condition of stability within its internal environment when dealing with external changes. It is involved in the maintenance of the constant internal environment which includes the function of kidney, liver, skin and many organs. The abuse of drugs alters the body’s internal environment, causing a response in order to achieve homeostasis, this is via negative feedback. Modern lifestyle poses many pressures on human homeostasis responses due to the use of drugs in our society. Specifically, Alcohol, and its effect on the human homeostasis responses. Negative feedback loops act to undo the changes induced by a stimulus. Negative feedback loops are essential for maintaining homeostasis in complex organisms (Sources 2). Almost all homeostatic control mechanisms are negative feedback mechanisms. These mechanisms change the variable back to its original state or “ideal value”. To remove alcohol AL from the body, the person who is intoxicated can evaporate through respiration and …show more content…

One of these vital organs is the kidney. Our kidneys filter harmful substances from your blood. One of these substances is alcohol. Alcohol can cause changes in the function of the kidneys and make them less able to filter your blood. In addition to filtering blood, your kidneys do many other important jobs. One of these jobs is keeping the right amount of water in your body. Alcohol affects the ability of your kidneys to do this. When alcohol dehydrates (dries out) the body, the drying effect can affect the normal function of cells and organs, including the kidneys, disrupting the body’s water balance, thus effecting the maintenance of homeostasis in the

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