How Do Alcohol And Depression Affect And Link To College Students?

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The topic I picked for this paper is if and how does alcohol and depression affect and link to college students. Today mental health has become such a big concern for our generation with it affecting many people. Among college students the stress from being away from home and dealing with school has made students very prone to feeling some form of depression. College students are notorious for drinking alcohol and partying. I think that some students instead of drinking to have fun and party drink because it offers them a temporary happiness that could negatively affect their health in the long run. This topic is very important because it affects so many people and people do not realize the harm it can cause. Some may think it is just some college students drinking and having fun but they do not realize even though the consumption of alcohol can be unhealthy for you it could potentially lead to worse things. Depression can lead to suicide which has happened to college …show more content…

All of these can link to some form of depression or depression like symptoms. Depression by definition is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. Depression causes feelings of sadness and loss of interest. (American Psychiatric Association) We live in a world where mental health is very common especially amongst college students. Dealing with all the stress and tensions make students very susceptible to depression. Depression can negatively impact student’s grades, their sleep, exercise and eating habits, relationship to peers and family can just overall life. There are many ways to deal with this depression but the most common one students do to cope with is drinking alcohol. It provides a cheap easy method that can distract a student’s mind from their worries and provide a temporary

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