How Did The Sumerians Impact Society

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Sumerians specialized, cooperated and made many advances in technology. Sumerians had built cities along the rivers in lower Mesopotamia in 5,500 BC. Sumerians made several advancements that had impacted their society and us humans still today. They were named the Plow, the Wheel, and the Cuneiform there are many more advancements. Those three were the most important because theyŕe the three that impacted the most to society. First of all, the Plow was used for farming to break up soil. It was first used when the Middle West was being settled. Although the sumerians invented the Plow John Deere improved it and made a steel plow in 1837. It was used to bury crops residues, and to help control weeds. The antecedent of the Plow is

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