How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect American Society

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The Industrial Revolution started in America in the 18th-19th century. It was the catalyst that made life easier by operating machinery to manufacture products at a faster rate. The sudden increase of production brought in huge profits for factory owners and made consumer technology accessible for middle class people. It also created a demand for hard-working laborers and resources to trade. If society never created industrial machines, life today would be a lot harder without the transportation, education, and technology to make it easier. With all this in mind, it's reasonable to justify that the Industrial Revolution had a positive effect on American society. While the industrial revolution was expanding, it introduced inventions of the cotton gin, loom, and the sewing machine, which caused an increase of production in the textile industry. These machines in the factories produced more products than a single man could …show more content…

All which influenced philosophy and lifestyle. These technological innovations encouraged modern progress of American society. Thanks to the Industrial Revolution, our society had time to develop art, science, language, education, socially, religiously, and economically. Not only did our society had time to develop our culture and ideas, society improved on individualism (Independence Hall Association). Individuality promoted huge changes to the social system. Changes like the abolition of child labor and black segregation, improved factory/sanitary regulations and safe working conditions for laborers, ect. These huge improvements were made possible by the influence of Individualism. With these in mind, one can reasonably conclude that even though there were plenty of hardships, the Industrial Revolution positively impacted America by making America what it is today,

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