How Did The Great Awakening Influence American Society

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The English colonies greatly evolved from 1607 to 1745. England’s first permanent settlement was founded in 1607 and was named Jamestown. The colonists at Jamestown were all males, and the lack of women made it difficult for the settlers to establish any semblance of a society. After the arrival of women in the English colonies, real communities were beginning to form. The men would typically farm while the women tended to the house and children. Society revolved around religion- men and women looked to God for guidance as to how to live their lives and shape society. Many events including Bacon’s Rebellion, the Enlightenment, the Great Awakening, and the Zenger case had a great influence on the development of a democratic society in the English colonies; however, the most influential is the Enlightenment and the Zenger case. The Enlightenment was a great upheaval in the culture of the colonies- an intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries which emphasized logic and reason over tradition. Enlightenment thinkers believed that men and women could move civilization to ever greater heights through the power of their own reason. The Enlightenment encouraged men and women to look to themselves, instead of God, for guidance as to how to live their lives and shape society. It also evoked a new appreciation and …show more content…

Although the Great Awakening did have a great influence on the development of a democratic society, that influence does not outweigh the even greater influence the Enlightenment had. The Great Awakening increased religious diversity and led to the Enlightenment. However, it also preached a stricter form of spirituality, which is not what the colonies needed. The logic and reason the Enlightenment emphasized and encouraged throughout the colonies helped them prosper and

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