How Did St. Thomas Aquinas Influence Canadian Law

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Philosophers, for several years have made a large impact within Canadian law by engaging in the study of the basic nature of knowledge, reality and existence. Aristotle, one of the philosophers who has made a major influence on Canadian law studied and created the main purpose of law known as just acts. As well, Plato was another philosopher who affected Canadian law through reflecting endless truths and virtues. St. Thomas Aquinas also had significance within Canadian law by believing that the main purpose of human law was being virtuous. Aristotle, Plato, and St.Thomas Aquinas were the most influential legal philosophers in Canadian law because they created the elements of just acts, eternal truths and virtues which are present in Canadian law and the virtuous existence of human laws.

First of all, Aristotle believed that happiness is the main goal of human lives and he dedicated himself to the topic of just acts which lead to happiness. One of his description’s of philosophy is that a happy life requires fulfilment of physical and mental well being throughout their lifetime leading to full enrichment. This influences the law in Canada as the laws are there to help the citizens achieve success and avoid situations that would cause distress or misery. Aristotle also believed that virtue must be created and is achieved by maintaining a …show more content…

Aristotle believes that society should achieve eternal happiness and just acts. Plato was also an influential philosopher due to his study of the nature of truths and virtues. Thomas Aquinas believed in moral and virtuous acts from a Spiritual perspective. Knowledge and the governance of the law relies on the contribution of several different effective

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