How Did Rosa Parks Break A Law Unfair Or Unjust

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Would you ever break a law because you know the law is unfair or unjust? “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,” said Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks made a decision to go against a law because she knew it was wrong and not fair. Rosa Parks was not only a wife and an activist in the Civil Rights movement, but she also showed others how to stand up for their beliefs even when there were consequences. (Google-1)

Rosa Parks knew what racial inequality was at a young age. Rosa Louise Mccauley was born on February 4, 1913. She was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. Her parents were James and Leona Mccauley. They separated when Rosa Parks was two years old. When she was very young her mom moved her whole family to Pine-Level Alabama to live on their grandpa’s farm. Her brother Sylvester was born in 1915. One of the memories of Rosa Parks’ family was of her Grandpa sitting on a chair outside of the home to protect their farm from the KKK. The KKK would go to African American homes to kill them or burn down their homes. When she got older she went to the City’s Industrial School For Girls then in high school she attended Laboratory School For Secondary Education. Through all of her schooling she attended segregated schools. (Biography 1-2) (Parks 1-2) …show more content…

In 1929, she was 19 and married Raymond Parks. In 1933, her husband encouraged her to go back and earn her high school diploma.. In December 1943 Rosa also joined the Montgomery Chapter of the NAACP, and she became chapter secretary to the NAACP President E.D. Nixon, a post she held until 1957. She worked closely with president Edgar Daniel (E.D.) Nixon. Nixon was a railroad porter known in the city as an advocate for blacks who wanted to register to vote. “Each person must live their life as a model for others.”

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