How Did Martin Luther King Changed The World

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Martin Luther King Jr changed the world and how we live as people. He told people what he believed in and people listened to everything he had to say. His that he doesn’t want a world where people are judged by their skin color. Through his hard times he over powered it and made people believe that one day the world will change for the better. The boycott is one of the first event that really changes how we as people live in the kind of society we have today. It started in 1955 when African American fifteen year old girl refused to get off her seat for a white man. That girl was named Claudette Colvin, who was later arrested and taken to jail than later, after people found out that she was pregnant. Then the same year, another woman named …show more content…

Where he talked about unfair treatment of African Americans. Then one day we as people in one country could work together to make a better world. Also talking about using nonviolence for the strikes and determination. He says that one day that his children, one day will not live in a world that they will not be judged by their skin color. There are another movement that king lead was the Civil Rights Act march. There were 200,000 through 300,000 participants who got involved with the march. I got people thinking about their opinions on what is right or wrong. Even though King planned it to be nonviolent protest, but when police got involved, it turned violent when police started to use nightsticks and tear gas. That didn’t stop King he pros waded other city's to be part of the act and they did city's like Chicago and Los Angeles got involved in the movement. In 1968 it was on of the most shock event that happened in King's life. He was shot in a motel in Memphis by a man named James Earl ray. That was later convicted of murder and charged 99 years of prison. People all around the world mourned his death and people thanking him for standing up for what he believes in for other who couldn't. So in 1983 president Ronald Ragin sighed a bill to honor MLK himself and what he has do for this country. For MLK's killer Ray died in prison serving his term for

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