How Did Joseph Stalin Affect Russia

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Biography Research - Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin was born on December 18, 1878 in Gori, Georgia (the country). Georgia is a country in Asia that touches Russia. He did not do so well in his early years because when he was seven years old, he got smallpox. Smallpox, at the time, was deadly and highly disfiguring to people who got it. A few years later, Stalin’s arm got deformed when he was in a carriage accident. Stalin was the kid that everyone made fun of in his village because of the horrible events that took place in his childhood. Little did he know, that the way he was treated let him to seek greatness as an adult. Later in life, Stalin’s mother enrolled him in a church school. At that school, is where he earned a scholarship to Tiflis …show more content…

Georgia was considered a southern region of Russia at the time. Stalin eventually left school in 1902 to be a part of the Revolution that was going to happen to Russia. In that same year, Stalin was arrested for planning a labor strike against Russia. Stalin was sent to a prison in the region of Siberia. Siberia is mostly frozen tundra and is in the north-east part of Russia and Asia. He eventually escaped from Siberia, and became marked as an outlaw. Stalin stayed low and made a lot of his money by robbing and kidnapping unfortunate people. After Russia had its revolution, Stalin eventually became general secretary of the Communist Party of Russia. This gave him a lot of power over all of the central command of the Communist Party. Then, the leader of the Communist Party died and Stalin wanted to take total control of all Russia at the time. Stalin succeeded with becoming the leader of a great superpower. Stalin pushed for industrialization in his great country, but it led to the deaths of millions of people and damaged land. People did not like Stalin, but if they resisted to go along with it, he sent the people to labor or death camps. In 1941, during World War 2, Stalin’s Red Army was not doing so

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