How Did George Kill Lennie Justified

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For many reasons many people think that murder is immoral especially if it was your best friend. But sometimes you have to go out of your way to do something as long as you know that’s the right thing to do from your heart. Hilaire Belloc once said “when friendship disappears then there is a space left open to that awful loneliness of the outside world which is like the cold space between the planets. It is an air in which men perish utterly. One reason George was justified in killing Lennie is because if he didn’t then Lennie would’ve suffered getting lynched by Curly, and George would have to sit there and watch it all and George wouldn’t do that. George wanted to kill Lennie himself because that’s his best friend and the two have been through everything together, so there was no way George would have some stranger go and kill his best friend. It’s exactly like Candy and his dog Candy has had that dog since it was a pup so it was like his kid and when it got to old and couldn’t do anything it was put down and Candies exact words were “I should have killed him myself” So that relates to George and Lennie because Lennie always forgets things easy, gets in trouble and his retarded so he wouldn’t be good for anything. …show more content…

Because in the book ‘men of mice’ Lennie already got in trouble at the place called weed because he loved this girls dress so he grabbed it and wouldn’t let go so she screamed which got the law involved in it and they had to get away. Also Lennie killed Curliest wife by grabbing her hair which shows that if George didn’t kill him himself then that would mean that Lennie would get in trouble again and do something that could get him killed and George can’t always be there to save him from all the

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