How Did Christianity Influence Roman Art

1502 Words4 Pages

Maurice Goodloe
Professor Hoeschen

HUM 2223
November 114, 2017
Just before Christ, a distinctive Roman method of building, sculpting, and painting emerged. During the Medieval period the Christianity began to rise slowly, but spread rapidly throughout many European countries after the death of Jesus. With spread of Christianity, Christian architectural styles and ideas were adopted straight from the Romans. The new found Christians of Rome kept many of their own original ideas, traditions, and practices. These ideas and rituals soon became an important part in Roman Christian way of life. The same is true when it comes to their arts also, Rome was filled with pagan art, which soon gained a new meaning because not all of the old pagan buildings …show more content…

This is where you could find the altar as well as statues which were kept elevated above the rest of the floor. During the Medieval era the Pantheon and its Roman importance took a turning point, It was later transformed into the Christian church of St. George and since has kept its white marble structure and five columns with a very detailed frieze. Christian artists adopted Roman artistic motifs like the shepherd figure, philosopher figure, reclining figure, law giver figure, and the festive meal. Early Christians were much like the Romans in placing great value in the use of art for personal and cultural expression. Christians adopted or borrow many art and architectural techniques like that of frescoes and relief sculptures which are similar to that of the Romans while they assigned new meanings to according to their Christians beliefs and purposes. It is evident that Greco Roman Art has influenced naturalism on sculptures from Early Christian Art. Frescoes are simply water coloring on plaster while mosaics are images formed from hundreds of small pieces of stone and or glass, and decorative marble tombs called sarcophagi. During the Medieval times sarcophagus usually had mythological subjects and reflected the style and compositions of Classical Greek art. Early Christians placed on these tombs, scenes from the Bible which they believed foreshadowed Jesus, and his teachings. They borrowed these certain concepts from the Romans, to express and deepen their Christian faith. Christians adapted the Roman style of choice to be placed in basilicas which was stunning

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