Homozygous Recessive Case Study

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Roble Sami. Punnet who task. 1.Answer: ¾ or 75% A a A AA Aa a Aa aa 2.Brown eyes are dominant (B) and blue eyes are recessive (b). Since the man is brown eyed, here genotype could be either BB or Bb, because in both cases the B would be dominant over the b. 3. ½ or 50% B b b Bb bb b Bb bb 4.The parent's genotype must be Ww and Ww, with white being the dominant gene. This will give a result of ¾ white, and ¼ black White is dominant = W Black is recessive = w Parents = homozygous …show more content…

The probability that the next offspring will be black is ¼ or 25%. 5.Use a test-cross. Mate the unknown fly to a known homozygous recessive. Think about the results if the fly was heterozygous vs. if it were homozygous dominant. 6.R = red, r = yellow T = tall, t = short homozygous red, homozygous short parent is …show more content…

Phenotypes red tall, red short, red tall, and red short - in 1:1:1:1 ratio, The phenotype ratio is 1/2 red tall: 1/2 red short. 7. G.pig1 + G.pig2 BbSs + bbss (B=black,b=white) (S=short,s=long hair) G.pig1-gametes=4types 1.BS 2.Bs 3.bS 4.bs G.pig2- gamete =1 type A.bs F1CROSS =1A, 2A, 3A, 4A. i.e BbSs,Bbss,bbSs,bbss.(black coat- short hair,black coat- long hair,white coat- short hair,white coat-long hair) 8..this is a simple double cross. a)parents have tall length and round pods. b)possible phenotypes 1.tall+round pods 9/16 probability 2.tall+wrinkled pods 3/16 " 3.short+round pods 3/16 " 4.short+wrinkled pods 1/16

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