Homosexuality In Tony Kushner's Angle In America

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Angle in America by Tony Kushner explores the critical issue of what it means to be a homosexual at a time when Republican Right Wing ideals dictated the country with anti-gay propaganda. Many characters in the book are homosexuals struggling to fit in the conservative society at the time wether they followed those ideologies or not. The already isolated queer community faced even more backlash as the AIDS became a negative label associated with them. But not everyones struggle with homosexuality came from a desire to be treated as an equal and have legal rights, some struggle with self acceptance. Joe Pitt, a deeply closeted homosexual with strong religious values and Left Wing ideologies, struggles with his own sexual identity and is unable to come to peace with who he is. …show more content…

Joe’s struggle with homosexuality does not come from the negativity that surrounds the gay community but he is unable to accept his sexual identity because he is not able to set himself free from the burden of guilt and shame that he has buried himself under. Joe is not able to put aside the religious guideline that he has to follow and accept who he really is. Regardless of his sexual preference he starts a traditional family and tries to lead his life without any mention of his true identity. Kushner, throughout the play, is able to highlight Joe’s struggles with his sexual identity but also the discrimination that many homosexuals faced. These struggles are universal and can even be applied the experience of many homosexuals in our modern and accepting

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