Homosexual Families And Parenthood

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Homosexual Families and Parenthood across Cultures Not so long ago in United States family was defined as; a couple, a man and a woman with children. Times have changed. Today, people are moving away from this definition and now going for a modern description of what family refers to. From divorced parents, single par-ents, no children families, and gay parents they are all now included to this new definition. Ac-cording to the national census bureau “A family consists of two or more people (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption residing in the same housing unit” (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). Like everything in life family is changing. The percentage of non-traditional family is growing more and more. As mention before homosexual families are big parts of this evolution. But many wonder; what is parenthood? How are homosexual families different from traditional families? And how different countries look at homosexual families? What is a family without a parent? A good parent has the image of a provider. Parent is the one that meets all the material needs of the household. The one who worries that nothing lacks to his/her children. Works double shifts and weekends. A good parent has not yet met the present needs, when others have been created; he/she wears out feverishly. But yet he/ she still have time to have the unique experience of seeing the children grow. Having children is a major life-course event no matter what country people live. Children alter how men and women live and how they can allocate their time. Money is required to support children, and there is also more to do in the households with children. Historically, women have done the extra work chil-dren create. Who engenders ch... ... middle of paper ... ...is is a huge milestone for western world, UK was one of the first countries to allow same sex couple to adopt of give foster care. Countries are coming to the realization that homosexual parenthood is not any different as heterosexual parenthood. More and more countries are passing laws that makes it legal for homosexual couples to get marry and have children. In conclusion, it important to be educated about same sex marriage and same sex adoption. Prej-udice and discrimination due to ignorance need to stop. Statistic showed that same sex parenthood is not harmful to the children in any way, the total opposite it can be beneficial to the children because same sex couple tend to work as a team and be more acceptable of what their children want. It is a matter of time before more and more countries approved laws where same sex couples can get marry and have children.

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