Homework should be Limited or Banned

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Homework Should be Limited or Banned

What do you think when you hear the word, ‘Homework’? Do you think that homework is needed and should be a constant part of our lives, or do you think that homework is an unnecessary thing and should be limited? Homework should be limited or banned because homework does not have as much value as we think it does, there are several negative effects of homework, and the amount of unnecessary homework is much more than before.

First of all, homework does not have value. There is no correlation whatsoever between the amount of homework given and achievement for young students, and at the high school level the correlation is weak and disappears when advanced statistical measures are used (Alphie Kohn). Also, a 2011 study in the Journal of Advanced Academics showed that students that spent more time on homework did worse on an exam (District Admin). Furthermore, Duke University homework expert Harris Cooper, concluded that homework does not improve academic capabilities for kids in grade school after studying several studies (Myth about homework). These studies show that homework is not necessary and has almost no value. In fact, students that did more homework actually did worse on an exam. Although it is clear that homework is not linked to academic improvement, one may say that homework helps children retain what they learned in school. Actually, according to education expert Alfie Kohn, a large portion of assigned homework is usually just a worksheet continuation of a lesson; homework that kids just mindlessly finish without learning the meaning or the value of the topic. All of this shows that homework is not as valuable as we think it is. In addition to the fact that homework has no value,...

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...d lower grades, studies suggest. (n.d.). Retrieved
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The myth about homework. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2014, from http://www.carterandevans.com/portal/ images/pdf/article67.pdf Homework: The useful and the useless. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2014, from http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/homework-the-useful-and-the-useless/2011/06/17/ AGRVvnYH_blog.html

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Do our kids have too much homework? (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2014, from

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