Homelessness In New York City

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U.S Government is mainly responsible for the rise in homelessness in New York City; due to their previous negligence in providing an immediate solution and the aggravation of the issue due to certain policies that they placed. (Thesis)

According to U.S Public Health Service Act, a homeless individual is someone who lacks housing; this includes those who reside in supervised public or private facilities such as shelters. It is seen that the number of homeless people staying in New York City shelters has reached the highest levels since the Great Depression of the 1930s, according to the 2013 Coalition for the Homeless Report. Furthermore the report has shown that the number of homeless people in New York City has increased by a staggering 13% from January 2012 to January 2013.

One of the primary causes of homelessness in New York City is the economic recession, which has resulted in long-term joblessness among many New York citizens. Secondly, the rising cost of rent in New York City has made it unaffordable for poor citizens to secure a permanent roof over their head. (Gambino, New York homeless shelters housing record-high 53,000 people per night)

It is the role of the U.S government to ensure the wellbeing of its citizens; this includes aiding its citizens in acquiring and maintaining regular and adequate housing. Therefore, the government should take on the main responsibility of dealing with the homelessness crisis in New York, even though the society and social service providers also play a role in reducing the homeless levels in New York City. However, instead of solving the homelessness issue in New York, they have caused a rise in the homelessness level.

Firstly, the government is responsible for the increase in home...

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...y plans that they wished to implement. Therefore, the issue of New York’s homelessness will not be solved, unless more governmental authorities start to step in and work together with De Blasio to solve the homeless issue in New York.

In conclusion, the government has played a main role in causing the rise of level of homelessness in New York, through the negligence of the situation by not taking immediate action and by further aggravating the situation through previous policies set in placed. Despite some governmental authorities taking effort to solve the homelessness issue in New York, the homelessness issue in New York has not transformed for the better. This is due to the lack of support and cooperation from other governmental authorities regarding policies made to solve homelessness, as they do not see it as such as major issue as compared to economic issues.

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