Home Improvement Research Paper

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Your home. It's your safe haven. It's the place that envelopes you after a long day of work. The place you invite friends and family to at Thanksgiving. And the place that gives you shelter at night. It has been a good investment for you, both financially and emotionally. You know that one day you'll sell it. It's hard to think about things like ROI when it comes to DIY projects even if you do want to sell it one day. However, DIY projects don't have to just mean getting your home ready for the MLS listing. And ROI can mean more than financial return. Here are three of DIY projects that offer the best ROI emotionally and financially.

1. The Front Door

Home improvement projects don't have to be big or expensive. This might earn a "huh?" response …show more content…

The Kitchen and the Bathroom

It's the place where family gathers. And whether we are cognizant of it or not, it's a place where many of our memories are made. Who can't recall the smell of soup brewing or cookies baking on a cold fall day? This is likely part of the reason why the kitchen also counts as such a good investment when it comes to home improvement. According to LifeHacker, it doesn't have as high an ROI as the front door - an 81.8% return compared to 98% - but the return is still hefty enough to make it worth it. Naturally, if you can do the remodel yourself, you'll save money, which will also help increase your bottom line in the end.

Surprisingly, the bathroom, which is also a popular remodel is only in the mid-range when it comes to ROI. It nets you about a 77% ROI. That said, having a nice bathroom where you draw a hot bath at the end of the day more than makes up for not making up as much money in the end. And still, 77% isn't such a bad number.

3. The Attic …show more content…

The ROI on this one is actually higher than it is for the bathroom, according to LifeHacker. You'll get a 79.3% ROI on an attic remodel. This choice works, because it adds a bedroom to the home using space that's already there. It can often mean not only more money come sale time - an extra $831 - but it can also mean that your home sells at all. For example, if the family buying your home wants a three bedroom home, and your home originally came with two bedrooms, but now has three due to the conversion, you stand a better chance of selling. It's a chance you probably wouldn't have had with that family had you not added the extra

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