Hobbes And Locke Similarities

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As we learned already in class liberal absolutism and liberal constitutionalism are two different theories that come from two great philosopher that addresses their similarities and their differences. Hobbes and Locke came to the same idea of what and how a government should be created, as we know they have the same view of the people and their necessities.
Therefore we can say that Hobbes and Locke had the same view on “natural rights” and the necessity of the people. Starting with Hobbes and his theory; he uses the word Leviathan which means "sea monster"(more likely referring to the people killing each other). I think he addresses this issue because in his of absolutism he argues that the people should have a strong tall man who has radiated …show more content…

In the difference is that for Hobbes the creation of a government is to protect ourselves, while Locke said to protect the people natural rights. While they also disagree in the government power where Locke agree and believe that the power could be limited while Hobbes doesn’t, in other words, Hobbes believes in a monarchy where people basically do not have the freedom, while Locke believes we can throw the government away if we don’t like …show more content…

Ways I can think and understand these two theories in a better way can be weird but for me is that when Washington came he created this “perfect image “ of the president that got the attention and everyone liked him and approved him because of his ideas and the things he achieved for the people. They can count as liberal constitutionalism as we see that he was protecting the people rights; now in my way of understating liberal absolutism is that I think of when it was time for Washington to leave the presidency he said like “he was tired” it was because if he stayed a thirds term it could “bring” a “monarch” government, just like the liberal absolutism, where it is only one person having the power, and that what he was really doing was following the constitution. However, it is not like we live in a liberal constitutionalism completely because we also can see that we have some of the liberal absolutism. An example of this is Jefferson; of how he was agreeing to the constitution and caring for the necessities of the people, just to an extent where he decided to not listen to the congress about certain things. In concluding with this I think I agree with what these presidents did because like that we can have a balanced government that can beneficiate the

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