Ho Chi Minh Influence

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Immediately following the struggle of World War Two another great conflict was heating up in Vietnam. Revolution was in the air and was being led by the communist leader Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh’s declaration of independence of Vietnam from French rule on September 2nd, 1945 was the first step in securing a Vietnam free from colonization and a Vietnam of complete independence. Ho Chi Minh’s education in communist teachings pulled him to align with the French Communists which helped thrust him into his future role as leader of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Without Ho Chi Minh’s experiences outside of Vietnam and his establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the North Vietnamese may never have won the war in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh was crucial to North Vietnam’s success in the Vietnam War due to his establishment of the communist party in Vietnam, his role in building a strong North Vietnam, and his status as a symbol of revolutionary action. Ho Chi Minh’s first step of establishing a strong communist party in Vietnam was absolutely crucial towards securing the ultimate North Vietnamese win in Vietnam. Ho was the perfect leader when it came to influencing and establishing the communist
Riggs 2 party. Milton Osborne, a journalist for History Today wrote …show more content…

History has proved that leaders like Ho Chi Minh are nothing without their supporters. To the Vietnamese people Ho was a symbol of strength and hope that kept the Vietnamese people going, even though the odds were at times overwhelming. The United States launched multiple relentless bombing campaigns on North Vietnam. Soldiers and civilians were being killed in great numbers when Ho Chi Minh said, “Nothing is as dear to the heart of the Vietnamese as independence and liberation” (as cited in Lacouture, 2015). Ho was continuously inspiring and never gave up on his cause, propelling his country to ultimate

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