High-tech Crimes

776 Words2 Pages

We are living in the era of computers and advanced technology, the types of technology that we have today are the types of technology that I could only dream about decades ago whether it is, GPS, smartphones or the internet. We cannot deny that today’s technology allows us to work more efficiently in many aspects of our lives unfortunately, the same goes to the criminals as well. In this paper, I will identify and explain the three theories that I believe would best explain the crimes of the high-tech offenders using my own ideas along with the researches from credible sources to support the ideas. The three theories that I will be discussing are, Strain Theory, Subcultural Theory and Rational Choice Theory.
First, what is a high-tech crime? High-tech crime is also known as cybercrime and according to (Schmalleger, 2011), cybercrime is defined as, “Crime committed with the use of computers or via the manipulation of digital forms of data.” (p. 582). While some people may think that the threats of cybercrime are only present to the people with access to computers and internet. In reality, people need to realize that our government and many private institutions also rely on the computers to keep track of almost everything from birth certificates to social security numbers therefore; cybercrimes are also threatening those without computers and internet access as well. High-tech crimes can be committed in many forms and often include but not limited to, identity theft, money laundering, banks fraud and the hackings of computer or network. High-tech offenders typically have a good knowledge of computers and their components.
The first theory I would like to discuss about is the Strain Theory. In (Schmalleger, 2011), explained Strain...

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...that the high-tech offenders are posing a different type of threat to our society. High-tech offenders are more difficult to be traced than traditional offenders due to the fact that the crimes are often committed in remote locations even outside the countries. The advanced technologies that we have today also create new opportunity to the criminals as well. Cyber or hi-tech crimes typically required the uses of computer. In other words, the computers are the weapons of choices for cybercrimes therefore, does it means that almost everyone in this country is equipped with the weapons?

Works Cited

Schmalleger, F., Criminology Today: And Integrative Introduction, Fifth Edition (2011)
Suro, R. (1999, September 1). Washingtonpost.com: The Hackers Who Won't Quit. Retrieved April 11, 2014, from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/sept99/global1.htm

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