High Ranking Female Baboons Essay

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We humans tend to classify one another based on our social status, wealth and as well with many other attributes that play a part in classifying individuals. This ranking and classification is not always easy but with language it makes it easier. But for baboons who have no language how do they establish social dominance and ranking? Well based of what I read in this book they do it by what they observe, see and hear. They communicate with each other using verbal noises and facial expressions and by actions. Baboons are some of the most fascinating primates in the world. Baboons have a very complex social hierarchy. In their family structure they tend to classify one another based of rankings and social dominance. For example at birth an infant baboon will almost …show more content…

Female baboons that rank high have a better quality of life then those who rank below. Being a high ranked female baboon has its benefits and a better quality of life. It allows them to pretty much do anything they want when they want within the group. They get first dibs on food and water. High ranking female baboons can hog food and water resources from lower ranking female baboons. These differences between high and low ranking female baboons is that in high ranking female baboons they get to have more benefits like in food and water and let’s not forget a better high ranking male baboon to mate with and as for the lower ranking female baboons they tend to get last dibs on food and water which could lead to malnutrition for them and their offspring’s and get a lower ranking male baboon to mate with they also suffer from higher level of stress. So unlike a male, a female baboon stays with her rank for the rest of her life. In comparison, dominance and rank for male baboons is heavily dependent on age and size. Male baboons dominate everyone that is typically smaller than they are. Higher ranking male baboons get first pick with mating with higher ranking female baboons. They

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