Healthcare Industry Term Paper

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The healthcare industry in the United States is one of the largest growing industries. There are multiple components in its sector. Part of the reason why employment rate is rising in this particular industry is because of the variety of jobs available. There are technical and administrative positions as well as clinical positions such as physicians, nurse practitioners, health aides, surgeons, physical therapists, and more. There is also the business aspect to hospitals and clinics, which includes departments such as billing and health insurance. In general, the demand for healthcare workers is continuously growing. Occupations are being created and have the need to be filled. With the numerous specialties existing, many positions are available for the taking. The many facets of the healthcare industry, such as health administration, health management, and health information technology, are constantly producing and providing services and equipment to maintain and improve quality of life. Services are needed to treat patients and provide curative, preventive, rehabilitative, and …show more content…

Although many “healthcare jobs require personal interaction and cannot be completely outsourced with automation,” there are still many methods to incorporate technology in the healthcare industry. Technology has been highly implemented in the healthcare system with uses of electronic health records (EHRs), artificial intelligence, healthcare trackers/sensors, genome sequencing, nanobots, robotics, 3D-printing, etc. With this said, technological advances could be a factor to an increase in job

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