Health Career Essay

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Health care would be a great career option for almost anyone because one can help a multitude of different people. Health care includes many well paying jobs and the field is growing rapidly, so job security is promising. Not choosing health careers would be a missed opportunity because there are many promising benefits in the field. Health care is the fastest growing job sector in the workplace. Almost all health careers have at least a projected thirty percent growth rate (Top). People will always need help with their health, and the population is growing rapidly. There is a net gain in the United States of one person every fifteen seconds (U.S.). The employment rate in thousands in 2014 for healthcare practitioners and technical workers was 44.2. In 2024 it is predicted to be …show more content…

There are a variety of different areas in health care. Unlike some people may assume, there are many more places one could work other than a hospital. Nurses, dentists, and doctors are usually the people one would think of when he thinks of health careers, but there are many more people who play an important role in health careers. One can work as a counselor, nutritionists, pharmacists, or even a fitness trainer. One could work at a school, nursing home, assisted living, or doctors offices. There are many more programs in health care, one just has to find where he fits best and work his way up from there. There are so many different choices of careers in healthcare, so a person can choose a health career that interests him best.
If one does not like working with patient care, there are many jobs in health careers where one does not have to. There are jobs in healthcare where one could work by herself if that is what she wanted. There are also a variety of different people in health care. People from all over the world could come to a health care employee for help. Different people will need different services, so the job stays

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