He Kicks Down The Door To Find A Woman's Life At Risk

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Screams From Abandoned House


After Hearing Screams in an Abandoned House, He Kicks Down the Door to Find a Woman's Life at Risk.


Normally, people are supposed to call the police when they see something danger. When one person may lose their life, a brave man risks his safety to save her.


Julie Ginsberg did not have an easy life. As a single mother, it seemed like she never had enough money or time. Her son was just four years old. Young Alex was the best thing in her life, and she worked hard to provide for him. Luckily, her parents lived nearby and could help watch him while she worked.

On one typical day, Julie decided to take a day off and enjoy time with her son. This day would turn out to …show more content…

Her shouts of joy made her parents and Alex run toward her. When they saw what had happened, they were completely delighted. Now, Julie would not have to work so hard to make ends meet. She could buy a better house and spend more time with her son. With the extra money, she could pay for Alex to go to a nicer school and buy him better clothes.

Unfortunately, this was not the end of Julie's story. Her ex-boyfriend quickly discovered that Julie had won a lot of money. He instantly wanted to get back together with her. Julie had no desire to date him again. They had broken up because her ex-boyfriend, Stan Hargrave, had been violent and abusive. She had put up with his abuse when it was just her at the house, but she refused to risk her son's health.

Stan would not listen to Julie's refusal. After work, he appeared outside of the diner. When she refused to get in his car, he held a gun to her head and told her that he would shoot her if she refused.

After Stan kidnapped her, it took two days before her parents became seriously worried. Julie had been scheduled to work extra shifts, so they assumed that she was getting extra rest afterward. When she did not pick up the phone, they became worried. They called the police. While the police started to search for Julie, her parents rallied all of her family and friends to help find

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