Hawaii Imperialism

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The History Of Hawaii
After many debates and arguments, in the year 1959 Hawaii was approved for annexation and became the 50th state of the United States of America. Even though Hawaii has been inhabited by people since 300 AD, most people don't know much about Hawaii so unless you live or have visited the state Hawaii then you most likely don't know all that much about Hawaii.
In 300 AD Polynesians found the many islands of Hawaii in double-hulled voyaging canoes. Hundreds of years after the Polynesians discovered the islands of Hawaii,the marquesasians inhabited the islands of hawaii but that wouldn't last very long because according to “Hawaiian History” “Tahitian explorers arrived in 1200 AD and not only conquered the marquesans …show more content…

According to “what is imperialism?” “Powerful groups try to extend their power and increase their wealth by bringing evermore of the world under their domination.” So by definition imperialism isn't exactly very peaceful at all, In fact most of the most powerful empires used imperialism so it isn't exactly something new. Even though this phenomenon is probably something most don't want but it's actually something we need because according to “what is imperialism?” “thus in any hierarchical society, once a group has attained power in their own realm, they will start to look outwards and continue to extend their influence influence through imperialism until they are toppled from within or encounter a more powerful imperialist rival.” So even if an empire doesn't want to eventually an empire will go through imperialism thanks to an empire's lust for power and …show more content…

But before that the first Americans came to exploit the Hawaiians in there sandalwood which was very valuable to china at the time. “History.com” states that “in 1840 a constitutional monarchy was established stripping the hawaiian monarch of much of his authority.” This happened under the influence of Americans. Even later in the years The United states had an interest in Hawaii so according to “History.com” “Dole submitted a treaty of annexation to the US senate, but most democrats opposed it,especially after it was revealed that most hawaiians did want annexation.” If you didn't know annexation is the process of adding something, and in this case hawaii. When the American Spanish war ended the use of Pearl Harbor (which is in hawaii) convinced Congress to approve the annexation of hawaii,making it the 50th state of the United States of

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