Having A Positive Outlook In 'Dear Miss Breed'

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Argumentative Essay
Having a positive outlook can be very important when being involved in a conflict or trying to solve one. This is how Anne Frank and Louise Ogawa from First Read: Dear Miss Breed got through the roughest times of their lives. They kept a positive outlook on things and tried to make the best of the worst. Just looking on the bright side, even if it feels like there isn’t one can make a huge difference. As a great thinker, such as Joyce Meyer, once said, ‘’A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances, having power over you’’. If they did not maintain a positive outlook, then who knows how they would have survived. Having a positive outlook gives you the strength to keeping going
Her delicate work in shaping the stone mountains, the beautiful coloring of the surroundings- it seemed as if I was looking at the picture of a genius (paragraph 21.) This was written in one of the letters given to Miss Breed by Louise Ogawa. Many young girls looked up to her and wrote her letters. This supports how she acknowledged the natural beauty instead of materialistic things. To others, it would just be another village or a view of the everyday work we live in. But she was just grateful for the fact she got to see such a magnificent view of
Like why think or dream about a perfect life you can't have. It makes it difficult for you to reach your goals in life. In the text, it stated ‘’The more you fantasize about your fabulous future, you're happy life, your dream job, the loving people around you, and the huge amounts of money, the farther you get from making these dreams come true.’’ This shows that positive thinking can get in the way of all your hopes and dreams. You may have an image of a life that seems perfect, but you need to be able to separate that from reality and not get the two mixed. It sometimes blinds you from the true reality. Also in the same text, it stated ‘’the pressure of positive thinking can result in suppressing any pessimistic thoughts or unpleasant emotions because they might attract bad things… You deprive yourself of access to the complete picture and the full range of emotions. You limit yourself from experiencing life in all of its wonderful complexity’’. In other words, this text is trying to say that positive thinking gets in the way of seeing the full truth or the whole part of life and it takes away the experience of realizing the bad things, the mistakes you make. However, these people are wrong because by dreaming about a life we want or imagine to have is setting goals for

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