Has Technology Made Bullying Worse?

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Has Technology Made Bullying Worse?
Technology seems to be blamed often for the issues of bullying. In my opinion, technology in general is not the problem, it’s social media. Social media is at fault because it has allowed bullying to take another form, it has made it easier to be a bully, and it is resulting in severe psychological damage.
Social media has allowed bullying to take the form of cyber bullying, adding on to other methods of bullying. It has given harassment another outlet from which to hurt people. I’m sure it’s a relief for many children suffering from bullying to come home after school knowing they’ll have a break from their tormentors. Social media gives those tormentors a way to harass them in their own homes. Some might think the …show more content…

Cyber bullying through social media has tainted this form of friendly communication and has forced many to sever this connection to the world.
Bullying is easier through social media when you can say things anonymously. It’s less difficult to slander someone behind a screen than it is to do it to their face. A person can say the most vicious, cold-hearted, things without having to own up to it or deal with major repercussions. Not only can people say whatever they want, they can also say it whenever they want. Just imagine what some kids must be going through. Being bullied at school is never a pleasant experience, but with social media the torment doesn’t stop at the end of the school day or on weekends. I think the anonymity makes people feel invincible and social media empowers them to do harm they wouldn’t feel comfortable doing otherwise.
Through social media, cyber bullying has left countless people with severe psychological damage. To me there is no truth to the old sticks and stones rhyme. Verbal beatings can be just as bad as physical beatings and sometimes it has a longer lasting effect. Some people live

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