Harsh Punishment For Juvenile Offenders Essay

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When a young person commits a violent crime, resulting in a death of an innocent person, how many lives should be lost? This is the question at the center of the debate regarding juvenile justice. By examining both sides of the issue, one can more easily understand the complexity of the problem. After considering arguments for and against harsh treatment of juvenile offenders, it is clear that there are no winners when young people are involved in crime.
First of all, those who favor harsher punishments for young people argue that we must first consider the victims. For example, if a young gang member kills an innocent shop owner during a robbery, the victim’s family will suffer their entire lives from the loss of the loved one. Harsh sentences will bring peace to the victims. Furthermore, harsh sentences will send a strong message to other young people. To be specific, when a ten year old sees his older teenage brother put in prison for selling drugs or committing violence, the younger brother will be less likely to commit a crime himself. In this case, …show more content…

First of all, they contend that young people are easily influenced by others. For example, many young men have unstable families and friends and peers are very influential. Without good role models, these young people can be easily convinced to participate in a crime. What is more, those you oppose harsh punishment for young people also point to the role of society. For example, many rap artists and television shows celebrate violence and crime. If society send the message that such violence is cool, kids are more likely to become involved in bad things.
Altogether, both the arguments for and against juvenile justice make strong points. However, when one thinks about both sides, it is clear that there is no easy solution. One thing is obvious society must work to find solutions to this problem that harms everyone

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