George F Handel Research Paper

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George F. Handel was born on February 23, 1685, in Halle, Germany. He composed around 612 known works, including chamber orchestra, arias, organ concertos, cantatas, oratorios and operas. He composed about 46 operas, the most famous of which being Acis and Galatea. The work was just recomissioned and taken up by choreographer Mark Morris. By far his most famous music piece however, was Hallelujah, still around in todays world. He is one of the most influential composers, being tutored by one of the most renowned pianists in the realm. However, he didn't come from the most auspicious beginnings. Handel's parents forbid him to learn music, in pursuit of a different vocation. His father was a barber-surgeon, and when he saw that his child …show more content…

However, he seemed unsatisfied with law, and in a year he earned an appointment for a year as an organist at a cathedral, already a evangelical reformed church. He didn't seem to like this position, and in 1703 acceped a position as a violinist and harpsichordist in an orchestra, Oper am Gansemarkt to be precise. He met Johann Mattheson, Christoph Graupner, and Reinhard Keiser. His first 2 operas, Almira and Nero, were produced in 1705. He made 2 more, Daphne, and Florindo in 1708. No one knows if Handel directed these operas or not. Handel traveled to Italy in 1706, following the invitaiton of Gian Gastone de' Medici. He was very interested in opera. There in Italy he met the opera script writer, (otherwise known as a 'librettist') Antonio Salvii, who he later worked with. Handel went to Rome, and since opera was banned in Rome, he composed religious music for the Roman clergy. His famous song Dixit Dominus was from this time. He also made cantatas in pastoral style for musical gatherings in the home of cardinals Pietro Ottoboni, Benedetto Pamphili and Carlo Colonna. Two oratorios, La ressurezione and Il trionfo del tempo, were produced for Ruspoli and Ottoboni. A fun fact about Handel, he actually was born in the same year as Bach, and lived about 50 miles away from him, and somehow they never met. Weird isn't

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