Halloween Informative Speech

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The month of October will always and forever be synonymic with Halloween. Thus, in this month of magic, fun and treats it is expected for one to host a Halloween Party or too. Although, it may sound overwhelming at first, what with all the decorations, food and the costumes that you have to prepare with the help of the following article which explores certain tips that one can follow when planning for such a party one can plan an epic Halloween party for this year.
While one can always opt to host the party at their home if they wish to go truly authentic they can also choose to rent out a location. For instance one can rent out a barn and utilize burnt and ash effects to create the perfect ambiance of a burnt down abode used by civil war soldiers. Thus, one can therefore ask their guests to dress accordingly. …show more content…

Furthermore, one should also keep in mind that no Halloween party is complete without Jack o’ lanterns, fake cobwebs and fake bats dangling from the ceiling or walls. Moreover, one can also ass cutouts of ghosts and goblins to their windows. However, although there are boundless traditional décor ideas one should not be apprehensive about experimenting for instance one can use artificial snow mixed with red paint to decorate the window sills in order to give it a bloody appearance.
Food & Drinks
One way to let your creativity and imagination run wild is through the food and drinks served to the guests. For instance when it comes to food one can serve food in the shape of decapitated fingers, bloody eyeballs, jell-o shooters with gummy worms hardened inside or even zombie eaten brains. Furthermore, one can also express their creativity by creating customized spooky cocktails just for the party. In order to accomplish such a task one need to know that dry ice can be their best friend as it allows them to cause spooky smoke to come from the drinks.

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