Gun Control Persuasive Essay

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What is gun control? Gun control is a law that regulates the sale, transfer, manufacture, possession, modification, and use of firearms. Over the years, gun control laws have gotten much stricter and more heavily enforced. These laws have started to take effect in hopes of limiting crimes, shootings, and many other gun related catastrophes. Despite its sole purpose to only do good, gun control has proven time and time again to be unsuccessful. Gun control laws actually leave the innocent defenseless, infringe upon the second amendment, are overall ineffective, and increases crime. There is one thing about gun control that not many people understand, it doesn’t apply to the “bad guys.” Some might argue that with gun control, criminals …show more content…

"That 's why it 's important that law-abiding citizens have access to the ability to protect themselves. California, for example, has strict gun laws. France has very strict gun laws." Also, there is already a black market for illegal substances such as drugs, bombs, and other weapons; what’s going to stop the criminals from illegally obtaining a gun? Nothing, they’re criminals. Doing illegal things and breaking the law is what they do best. That’s why the solution that Diantha Parker and Ryan McCarthy provided in their New York Times article is worth looking into: While acknowledging that it might be an unpopular view, many readers felt that laws should allow more Americans to be armed. “We need more concerned citizens trained and carrying a gun,” wrote P.J. White of Chicago. Many of these readers identified themselves as gun owners. “Yes, I have a CWP [concealed weapons permit],” wrote Joan W. Nicholson of Sonoma, Calif. “Gun buyers must register and get gun permits through their local or state police departments,” she added. “We are required to register our cars and pass a driving test for a driver’s license. It seems a no¬brainer to require similar laws for gun …show more content…

It doesn’t stop criminals from killing, guns from selling, the transferring, manufacturing, or modification of guns. A good example would James Holmes story. One of the most well-known mass shootings was that of Aurora, Colorado. On July 20, 2012, a man named James Holmes had entered a movie theater with the objective to shoot as many civilians as possible. Unfortunately, twelve people died and what was to blame, James Holmes? Nope, the easy access to guns was what most people believed to be the cause of this tragic event. Well, according to Meg Wagner on NY Daily News in

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