Grudem On Christ's Return

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return. Grudem states that there are many examples of believers being eager for Christ’s return in the new testament. He suggests, that our attitude should mimic verses like Philippians 3:20 which says, “Our commonwealth is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Though most Christians agree on the final outcomes of Christ’s return, many disagree on the details of the future. These disagreements come largely from the order of Christ’s return and the relationship of Christ’s return to the millennium (Grudem 427-37). Grudem’s words best describe the millennium:
The word millennium means “one thousand years” (from Lat. millennium, “thousand years”). The term comes from Revelation 20:4–5, where it says that certain people …show more content…

Amillennialism is the belief that the millennium is a heavenly reign rather than a body one. Postmillennialism is the idea that Christ will return after the millennium. And lastly, premillennialism is the belief that Christ will return before the millennium. Grudem states that he is in favor of premillennialism (Grudem 438-53). When discussing the doctrine of the future, it is important to examine the final judgment. The new testament reputedly affirms the fact that there will be a final judgement. This final judgment will occur after the millennium. 2 Timothy 4:1 says, “Jesus Christ who is to judge the living and the dead.” This verse affirms the fact that Jesus will be the judge. During this time, believers and non-believers will be judged alike. Scripture makes it clear that God will be just in this time of judgment. This is affirmed by 1 Peter 1:17 which says, “judges each one impartially according to his deeds.” The final aspect of the doctrine of the final judgment is hell. Grudem defines hell as “a place of conscious punishment.” Hell is a doctrine that has many conflicting views amongst Christians. Many struggle with idea of eternal punishment and believe in alternatives (Grudem 453-64). After judgment day, those with faith will live with God forever in a new heaven and new earth (Grudem 465-70). Overall, the doctrine of the future is very complicated and confusing. I am not completely confident in a position

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