Green Roofs

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Trees on roofs. The practice of putting plants on roofs has been employed for years. For centuries, Scandinavian villages have implemented sod roofs on top of their rural log houses. Nowadays, modern architects have reinvented the outdated tradition of the Scandinavians and brought the world green roofs. This reinvention of an old technique has the potential of remodeling all aspects of urban life and improving the wellbeing of the Earth. In fact, all homeowners should consider a green roof because they support the environment, improve the economy, provide personal benefits, and improve the aesthetic appearance of the home.
Green roofs support the environment by diverting waste, managing stormwater, moderating the Urban Heat Island effect, and improving air quality. Green roofs contribute to waste diversion by prolonging the service life of heating, ventilation, and HVAC systems through decreased use and using recycled materials in the growing medium. Green roofs help manage stormwater by reducing the amount of runoff and delaying the time at which runoff occurs, resulting in decreased strain on sewer systems. In summer, green roofs retain 70-90% of the precipitation that falls on them; in winter they retain between 25-40%.Through the evaporation cycle, plants on vertical and horizontal surfaces are able to cool cities during hot summer months and reduce the UHI (Urban Heat Island) effect. The temperature moderating effects of green roofs can potentially decrease the amount of CO2 and other polluting by-products being released into the air through the process of photosynthesis and thus improve overall air quality.
Aside from evidently supporting the environment, green roofs also improve the economy.
Green roofs improve the econo...

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...raditional roof and avoid complete renovation.
Green roofs come with a hefty price tag. In comparison to a normal roof, green roofs cost almost three times as much. A properly designed and installed extensive green-roof system can cost ($10–23/ft2) while an normal re-roofing costs ($3-4/ft2) (Rowe, Getter "The Role of Extensive Green Roofs in Sustainable Development”). However, some regions give incentives in the form of stormwater tax reduction, grants, or rebates to owners of a green roofs. These incentives when combined with the decreased energy bills that accompany a green roof, make green roofs a valuable investment with monetary rewards. Also, green roofs last twice as long as normal roofs due to the augmentation of membrane durability. Thus, with time, the extra money spent on a green roof instead of a normal roof will return itself in one way or another.

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