Greek Yogurt Research Paper

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After researching more about prevalent yogurt categories, Greek yogurt dominates the yogurt market. Studying and understanding the general use of yogurt, its significant category brands, brand advertising strategies, and the industry trends help to understand the reason Greek yogurt is the top selling yogurt. Many individuals consume yogurt for many different reasons. Michael Neuwrith, senior director of public relations at Dannon, said that the average American consumes about 1 yogurt per week. Knowing this, one must also know that there are many different types of yogurt today depending on what one is looking for. Some of these include regular whole milk yogurt, low-fat yogurt, non-fat yogurt, Greek yogurt, and even some yogurt drinks. Yogurt has many uses, such as for dietary purposes, snacks, breakfast options, and many more. Individuals that use yogurt as a dietary food eat different brands of Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is becoming increasingly popular today because it is a more healthy option from standard yogurt due to the protein that is doubled in Greek yogurt versus regular yogurt. Greek yogurt with half of the amount of sodium and half of the carbohydrates of regular yogurt. Greek yogurt contains …show more content…

In 2016, Chobani ran a campaign to tell inspiring team USA stories. The slogan of this campaign was the #NoBadStuff Anthem. Olympic athletes cannot put anything “bad” into their bodies and “Chobani helps power Olympic athletes with its all-natural products and a belief on the part of the brand's founder that you can only be great if you're full of goodness" Chobani really made the Olympics the main focus of this campaign and launched a big push including TV spots, new packaging, social aspects and more. In the 30-second TV spots Chobani focused on very diverse athletes who have overcome adversity to reach their dreams. This company wanted to bring the human company to its

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