Greek Mythology Research Paper

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Throughout history, people have always attempted to gain an understanding of exactly what it is to be human, and where humankind has come from. Stories of how things or events came to be were invented as a means to explain and understand the world. These stories that detail the explanations of these phenomenal events, such as the creation of the world or humans, are called myths. A popular saying people often use is “It’s a myth”. This saying is usually used when a person brings up a story that is less than credible but is widely known. Usually somebody else interjects the person bringing up the story and says not to believe such hearsay, and that it is only a myth. Myths, for an academic definition, “are ancient narratives that attempt to …show more content…

Mythology evolved along with people’s spirituality. Spirituality can be defined as how a person experiences and defines the supernatural world around them. Each individual person’s spirituality can be vastly different, as it comes from a place internal and exclusive to that person. Spirituality can be experienced without any written words or communication from one person to another. When taking a look at religion, it can be said that it is more of a doctrine or prescribed teaching of how to practice one’s spirituality that is widely accepted among a group of people. Religion is not inherent to humankind, it is a learned behavior that required there to first be communication and understanding between people. Fear stems from the unknown, and there are many things in life that people are not certain of. When the loss of a life in a family happens, practitioners of religion often believe in the promise of an afterlife or some other way in which the deceased person will be eternalized. Not knowing with certainty what lies beyond a person’s life can be a very treacherous idea to many people. Myths and religion are very similar and religion can be seen as an evolution of mythology. Most people do not believe in ancient myths in modern times, however, as the advent of science and knowledge has shed the light on many of man’s unanswered

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