Great Gatsby Golden Age Essay

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The 1920s, also known as the golden age, was a time of crime, art, music, literature, and unimaginable parties. The stock market was booming, the country was thriving, buildings were being shot up from the ground, cities drowning with people coming in to seize all the economic opportunities they have dreamed of. Yet, of all that we know about the 1920s no other book has ever been able to portray the golden age as well as the famous Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Of all the activities and events that were common throughout the time period, Fitzgerald makes it a point to depict the wild parties that took place in that time. He uses stylistic elements to show how Nick feels towards the parties and what their intentions are. Before he even gets invited to a Gatsby party, Nick has already seen what happens outside when the guests arrive. He is amazed by the massive amounts of people that attend the party,"In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings..."(excerpt). When Nick gets invited to Jay Gatsby's parties, the greedy, selfish acts of...

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