Good Will Hunting Essay

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The film, Good Will Hunting directed by Gus Van Sant, is about this boy, Will Hunting, who is a walking genius but is devoted and settled to being a janitor at MIT. Once he solves this impossible equation on the board outside of the classrooms, Professor Lameau discovers Will’s genius talents. Will and Lameau’s relationship started off shaky but Lambeau takes Will in so that he wouldn’t have to do jail time for fighting on the basketball court, assaulting a police officer and for having a very disruptive past. Although Professor Lambeau makes a deal to get leniency for Will, this deal was made under two conditions: Will would have to seek help from a therapist and study mathematics from a well-known professor. Will wasn’t very open to either …show more content…

This was when the viewers first got to meet Skylar, the beautiful brunette with the accent who ends up falling in love with Will. Skylar was very straightforward with Will from the second they met because she went up to him at the end of the night and gave him her number even though she wished it was the other way around. I think Skylar is attracted to Will’s smarts even though he lies to her about his entire life because he’s an orphan and doesn’t take pride in that. When his life started to surface, Skylar didn’t even care about his background; she just wished he wouldn’t have lied to her about that and his brothers throughout the entire relationship. Despite the lies, Skylar and Will have a goofy relationship where they seem comfortable around each other. My heart broke for Skylar when she told him she loved him and he never said it back. I thought he would fall in love with her too but maybe he has and just never says anything about it. What stood out to me during the movie was the scene where she was meeting all of Will’s friends and she told a story and put the drink in her mouth and spit it all out as a part of the story. This shows that she’s comfortable enough around Will to make herself look like a fool in front of him and his close

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