Golem At Large, What You Should Know About Technology.

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“The Golem at Large: What you should know about technology”

Technology can be regarded as a phenomenon with vast uncertainties. Technological change is rapid and we are struggling to keep up to date with the latest advances, while learning new ones and trying to prepare for the next changes proposed for the future. In order to do so, however, we need to be clear about what we mean, and what we consider to be a technology and evaluate some of the assumptions of our understanding of our technologically advanced society.

In ‘The Golem at Large, What we should know about technology’ The authors’ main purpose is to show their audience that we trust technology too much and don’t take into consideration that human error occurs. Much of the world of technology, as suggested by the authors, is built on trust: “Trust that the engineers have done their job responsibly, trust that they have the right expertise to do the job properly. “ The idea that even the best intentions go wrong, and that even well designed technology can go wrong at times. They also emphasize that we tend to blame technical failure rather than the human consumption failing itself. By contrast, they chose to link technology to the golem. The golem was a creature from Jewish mythology and while not evil, is marked by a clumsy drive. Technology, at its cutting edge, will always rage with controversy, because there is no neutral place, nor a central point, in the search for responsibility and accountability of a failed technology.

The authors’ also try to accomplish certain biased viewpoints throughout this book. They prove this by showing us how the imperfections of technology are related to the uncertainties of science. They are basically trying to show the audience that we need not trust technology completely, because we are the ones who developed it to originally and that humans are really the ones not to be trusted. Many of these cases have a main point to be accomplished by the authors’. For example in the Patriot missile story, they try to bring a certain message across to their audience to prove their thesis. Sometimes, issues that the authors attempt to address are raised in the context of technology the are discussing. However, these instances are few and far between and the proposed solutions ,I feel ,can be criticised.

It would seem that the audience that they are trying to capture in this book, I think, are the type of people that pay close attention to media that occur with these type of events.

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