Gloria Interview

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The interview participant is a 71 year-old woman named Gloria, who immigrated from to Canada 43 years ago and has worked at her job for 31 years. Despite what most people may think about older adults, she states that she feels younger than she is – while some of the reasons were explored in this interview. To begin, the first key theme is independence. Gloria mentioned that one of the most important life lessons is, “you must learn to help yourself and get by on your own.” Regarding course content, this has come up in two areas. The first was in Andrew Jenks 335. Many of the residents wanted independence in various aspects of their life and used their own independence to help each other. The second aspect is in Rowe and Kahn’s definition of successful aging, which is “the absence of disease and disability, engagement with life, and high physical and cognitive functioning” (Whitebourne & Whitebourne, 2015, p.317). Despite the many critiques of this definition, the interviewee meets most of these criteria and credits most of it to her independence. …show more content…

She mentioned that “old is not negative”. I found this theme to be interesting since the opposite is often mentioned in class. In one article, gerontophobia is mentioned, which is the “fear of aging” (Gendron et. Al, 2016, p.998). Despite the commonality of this phenomenon, this is not something that represents Gloria’s life. In addition, the author also mentions internalized ageism, which is “in group discrimination where older adults made judgements, assumptions, or denied commonality with other group members” (Gendron et. Al, 2016, p.998). Similarly, Gloria did not demonstrate this – and identified positively with other members of her age

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