Gilbane Gold Case Study

592 Words2 Pages

Subject: Duty to Disclose

Within the Gilbane Gold case, the major problem is the contribution of water pollution by dumping chemicals to speed production for Z CORP. However, there is doubt as to what extent the company violated city regulations. Tom Richards believes that Z-CORP broke regulations repeatedly but Professor Massin believes that it is not solid evidence. Part of the problem is that two different tests are involved: an older and a less sensitive test which does not break regulations but there is also the newer and more sensitive one which does. The newer test was said that the company just broke city regulations, but not by a large amount.

There is the question about the legal status of the new tests. Would the city use the old or new tests in determining whether Z CORP broke the law? The current law specifies that the old test is, but there is reason to wonder what the courts would do if Z CORP was aware that it was violating the standards by the more sensitive tests. The long-term health effects of presenting numerous amounts of heavy metals into Gilbane Gold have g...

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