Getting Rid Of Cyberbullying

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Until now, bullying could only happen in a confrontation at concrete locations or gatherings where socializing occurs. Any shape or form of bullying, whether it's virtual or physical, is intolerable. Currently, however, cyber bullying, a modern form of harassment, utilizes any type of electronic communication to virtually torment others. Troubled children and teens are more likely to apply social networking sites, sending embarrassing photos, videos or harass by text messaging. In a placed filled with children and adults looking for entertainment, the online world must get rid of cyber bullying. The internet, a recent development of human technology, paves a way for different worlds to collide virtually. People can feel connected to others …show more content…

The effects of cyber bullying are devastating for those who experience it, often feeling hurt, humiliated, or develop drastic coping mechanisms. Online, it can go from one bully to an innumerable amount, giving the effect that the harassment will never stop and can only get worse. This constructs a difficult social environment where a lot of communal life is happening now. If the victim is dealing with bullying both online and at school, their self-esteem depletes significantly along with a stressful social life. With this type of lifestyle, victims tend to separate themselves to limited communication, preventing any improvement in social and even intellectual …show more content…

This makes them feel that nowhere is secure to hide from what remains permanent online. Furthermore, if the bully remains anonymous, even to the victim, it can be difficult to trace the harassment back to the source. This, of course, makes it strenuous to connect the perpetrator to the evidence. Continuous threats and insults, either from messages or videos, can lead the victim to life-threatening conditions or suicide. For these reasons, it's significant to find ways to prevent and delete cyber bullying. Communities, whether it's at home or school, must stand up and have an awareness of this problem. Likewise, when an individual commits to using a computer, they bear the responsibility of treating others justly over the monitor. The online world can be a secure place to socialize and connect when they delete these spiteful

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