Gerald Graff Other Voices Other Room Summary

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Summary Response to “Other Voices, Other Rooms”
In the essay, “Other Voices, Other Rooms” from Inquiry to Academic Writing, Gerald Graff argues that students learn things differently from class to class and are not taught to use information from one class in another. This is a problem especially in higher education today because there is such a large gap from professor to professor. Although the disagreement from one subject to the next may seem like a problem to some, if there were no disagreements, nothing would be worth learning. While these problems may occur, they are essential in the evolvement of education. Without these disagreements there would not be any search for more information to solve the problems. Also, students would not be motivated to continue to learn. The disagreements between the two are what seem to confuse students, but what confuses them more is how the education system is set up. Students must learn to make …show more content…

They are worried about offending their professors, so they just write to what they want to hear. This is not the professors fault, but rather the way that they system is set up is to be at fault. The system that is in place now is only a one way conversation directed towards the students, where they are not aloud to have an opinion of their own outside from what the professor believes. This problem gets worse because some students come to school with the skills to summarize arguments, but when they start to just give the professors what they want to hear without their personal opinion, they become uninterested on the ideas of what they are learning. They also can get confused when different professors use different terminology for the same ideas. Students fail to notice this due to the fact that they are only focusing on one course at a

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