Genre Movies Affecting The Entertainment Industry Of The Modern World

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Genre Movies Identification of living and non-living things is essential for human beings; hence, classification systems are formed. In the branch of biology, Aristotle and Theophrastus are the ones who developed the first classification scheme. During the 4th century, Aristotle grouped animals according to where they lived. On the other hand, Theophrastus grouped plants according to their stem structure. As time passes by, the ways of identification flourished. Not only did the classification system affect the branch of biology, but it also affected the entertainment industry of the modern world. Genre is an example of the categorization for modern art and entertainment. Genres, such as horror, romance, drama, comedy, and science fiction are special and unique. The genre of horror is popular due to its distinct ingredients. Horror films and literary works often centers on the arrival of an evil force, person, or event. The sensation of fear, panic, alarm, and dread are intended for the audience to be felt. These emotions are delivered by incorporating large amount of violence, gore, and suspense into the plot. Traditionally, horror films and TV shows include mythical creatures and …show more content…

Films with a genre of comedy use humor as the key ingredient to a successful film. Different kinds of humor are used for different age group. As an example, adult humor is used for adult audiences, while corny acts and jokes are used for another group of audiences. Comedic movies may touch on some serious material, but most have a happy ending. The unique thing about comedy films is that it can intertwine with other sub-genres (Anarchic, action, black (dark), horror, drama/comedy, parody/spoof, rom-com, and slapstick) due to its humorous story. A Haunted House is a film that not suitable for younger audiences, but it is in the genre of comedy and its sub-genre of

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