Gender Roles Of Aboriginal Women

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Aboriginal women are currently facing many challenges and working towards reclaiming their lives, rights and roles lost. Historically, Aboriginal women played a large role in their communities including caregivers, producers of food and protectors of land as well they held many leadership roles (Shepard, O’Neill and Guenette, 2006, p. 228). The affects of colonization and residential schools have torn some of these roles from Aboriginal women, as a patriarchy system was pushed on them (Shepard et al., 2006, p. 230). Presently, women all over the world are fighting for gender equality. However, although we share a common goal it cannot be over looked that each woman is facing different challenges on the road to gender equality. Gerber (2014) argues that to this day Aboriginal women “are disadvantaged first as Aboriginals (race), second as Indians (ethnicity and third as women (gender)” (p.122). Therefore, Aboriginal women are facing their own unique set of challenges.

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