Gender Identity In Society

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In today’s society, the minority is constantly being judged by others. However, the same people pointing their fingers are the ones who are or were in similar situations at one point. Society is constantly trying to label someone regardless of their situation. Men and women tend to become labeled by society based off of their gender, race, ways of speaking, education, and so forth. Many men and women try to change their lives, simply to meet society’s expectations, but they expect perfection from others when in reality, they are nowhere near it themselves. Society’s view of what society expects is men and women should carry themselves in a certain manner, have legal status in the United States, and live unrealistic lives. Society is constantly …show more content…

Men and women are constantly expected to express themselves in manners that fit their gender. A Person doesn’t truly know what their gender identity is until they reach the age of two. In a kids ' health article I read, it states, “By age 2 or 3, a child starts to develop a sense of being a male or female. This awareness is called gender identity. Kids this age start to understand the difference between boys and girls, and can identify themselves as one or the other” (Dowshen 1). Once a child reaches a certain age, they begin to express themselves in ways that help them feel comfortable with their body. However, society expects them to express themselves in a manner that matches their gender. A male is expected to have a masculine mentality, whereas, a female is expected to have a feminine mentality. Everyone has their own view of how they are supposed to act and feel, but it all depends on the individual to express themselves even if it is unpleasing to society. This usually begins at the age of 3-4. During this time a child is learning about gender roles and some experience the opposite behavior of what they are. As men and women grow and transition into the world, there …show more content…

Since society plays a role in the majority of people’s lives, it has made it difficult to have equal opportunities given to both men and women. When it comes to working, women are expected to work in the front as secretaries, whereas men are given the opportunity to make decisions to benefit the company. Women feel that their bosses are not taking them seriously because they aren’t viewed as potential candidates for the most prestigious positions in their establishment, even though they possess a higher degree than the male candidate. Yale Global states, “Despite these educational gains, women continue to lag behind men in employment, income, business ownership, research and politics… sexes are limiting the benefits of women’s educational advantage” (Chamie 2). Despite women being top of their class and surpassing men, society still places them on lower expectations because they are women, which is viewed as occupational segregation. If women have the ability to do a man’s job, it shouldn’t be up to stereotypes to place them in lower paying positions because of their sex. Women are constantly being discriminated because of their gender regardless of how much education and experience they have because men feel less superior if a woman makes more money than they

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