Gay Athletes in the NFL Locker Room

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It is hard to understand what most people are going through when not involved in the situation. Everyone has their own opinion and view on certain events that happen in life whether it is comfortable or uncomfortable. For instance a recent situation in today’s world has become a huge argument on whether or not it is alright to have gay athletes in NFL locker rooms. For men it is hard to accept gay athletes especially in the locker room. The effects gay athletes have towards other NFL athletes in the locker rooms involve a variety of different situations that depends on the teams such as making someone feel uncomfortable, bringing tension to the team and between players, and media attacks the gay athletes and the team.
Overall no matter male or female if there is someone of the same sex which is interested in the same sex in the same locker room, athletes will feel uncomfortable. Knowing that the same sex person is interested in the same sex as them makes people wonder if they fell something towards them in the locker room. The impact of a gay athlete in the locker room may cause athletes to feel very uncomfortable not knowing if the gay athlete is interested in them. According to S.L. Price in the article “So here we are, at Last” of Sports Illustrated, “There’s a widespread feeling that any players engaging in homophobic acts or dialogue in any sport would face the same—if not worse—abuse the teammates, fans and, certainly, management, as any athlete who comes out.” The locker room is a very sensitive area to have these kinds of issues in, since the locker room is a place mostly for changing clothes, showering and walking around mostly naked. Although the NFL locker rooms are mostly filled with reporters and coaches, people still...

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...wn opinion on whether it is alright or not to have a gay athlete in the NFL locker rooms. Overall, everyone should be treated the same and respected no matter what they believe in. The only variable that matters the most to people is if that person is comfortable having a gay in the locker room with them. Even though the effects gay NFL athletes have towards other NFL athletes in the locker rooms the different situations depend throughout teams. Each team should make sure everyone feel comfortable, there isn’t tension to the team and between players, and the media does not attack the gay athletes and the team.

Works Cited

Bruni, Frank. "Panic in the Locker Room!" The New York Times. The New York Times, 10 Feb. 2014. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.
Price, S.L. "So Here We Are, At Last." Did It Happen the Way You Expected? ... Sports Illustrated, 6 May 2013. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

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