From Selfish Desires to Intimate Relationships

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In Dante’s Inferno, Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the protagonists’ relationships with their companions becomes an essential subplot within each text. Their relationships are crucial in order to complete their journey and in some cases complete each other. In addition, there are many characteristics in each text that are unrealistic representations of life. For instance, the environment of hell the Inferno, Don Quixote’s fictional world, and the instant marriages in Pride and Prejudice are all things that are not typically seen in real life. These unrealistic characteristics affect how each relationship develops, however, these factors do not take away from the significance of each relationship. In each text, the lucrative ambitions of the characters are initially the motive of many relationships rather than the desire for true companionship. A major part of the relationships development is how the characters’ companionships transition from ones that are based on individual ambitions to ones that are built on the desire for intimate relationships. The Dante’s Inferno, there is a clear shift in motives for the relationships between Virgil and Dante. Their companionship is one of the most complex to represent because it occurs in hell, a very unrealistic world. When Virgil first approaches Dante to guide him through hell, Dante is very reluctant to go along with his plan. However, after Virgil tells him that Beatrice sent him on the mission, Dante’s heart instantly swells with gratitude and he exclaims “O she, compassionate, who has helped me!” (Dante 2.133) He becomes eager to do as Virgil says and his whole demeanor towards taking the trip through hell changes. He gives all the praise to Beatrice and Vi... ... middle of paper ... ...w in Virgil’s reasoning shows that he is subjected to human flaws such as deceit just like Dante is. His subjectivity to human flaws and emotions highlights how similar he is to Dante and brings their relationship to an even closer level. Contrary to love being the joining factor of relationships, fear is what usually bring Dante and Virgil together. Moments of insecurities and fear allows their relationship to grow. Whenever Dante is afraid, he looks to Virgil for support and guidance both mentally and physically. Virgil on the other hand relates to Dante by physically protecting him and nourishing him mentally by telling Dante everything he knows. They show that they are subject to emotions and feelings of real human beings even though they are in hell. This confirms that their impractical environment in no way undermines their very interdependent relationship.

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