Free College Essay

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The idea of free public college education usually provokes scoff upon primary suggestion. However, various pointers indicate the free college education is indispensable for a successful economy. There is a considerable number of brilliant individuals in the world that cannot afford to go through college. There brilliance, and potential goes to complete waste due to this discrete barrier. This indicates that the world would benefit greatly by offering free college education for all. This paper will explore the benefits of offering free college education, as well as the associated costs to the government and to the society.
There are numerous benefits associated with free college education. The most significant benefit is the exploitation of the maximum potential of students who may lack the financial capacity to afford college education. These students get a chance to contribute positively to the economy. Brilliant ideas and innovations are usually a product of bright students …show more content…

The current education system supports the provision of student loans. However, according to Forbes, student loans are highly risky and one of the worst ways for paying for college tuition. Apart from keeping most bright students from acquiring higher education, it is also ineffective due to the lack of a sufficient cost control mechanism. Most of these student loans end up as bad debt to the government ( 2014). The government can use this money to facilitate free college education instead of risking it by offering it as student loans. By eradicating the need for student loans, the government would save a large amount of funds due to the cost of servicing, non-payment, defaults, and subsidization that can be directly applied to the provision of free college

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